Merry Christmas Legend of Korra Fans – Let’s Chat About the Holidays!


Merry Christmas, everyone!

Christmas is finally upon us and that means that the time of giving has now begun. The goal for today should be to spend time with our family and give back to as many people as you can. You may not have realized it, but most of you are giving right now. By reading this blog, you are giving it more success than I ever dreamed of it receiving.

When I started this blog back in January of this year, I had no idea it would develop into what it is now. It has developed into a fantastic community for Legend of Korra fans and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough for supporting me and this blog by simply reading it and commenting.

My family and I already had our Christmas party yesterday (today is Christmas Eve) which consisted of Flip-Cup, Beer Pong and watching Ted. But that doesn’t mean we won’t celebrate on Christmas Day. I think I’m feeling a trip to the movie theatres to check out The Hobbit with the family. Then I’ll probably start getting back on track by actually blogging about The Legend of Korra, something I have really been slacking on as of late.

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Community Opinion: Who was the Better Villain Between Fire Lord Ozai and Amon?

Christmas Korra

December has finally arrived in 2012 and even though the world is supposed to end pretty soon, the future is still packed with loads of fun for Legend of Korra fans. December 25th is rapidly approaching and Old Saint Nick is currently busy preparing tons of Legend of Korra merchandise for us avid ‘Korra’ fans.

That means games, posters, action figures and quite possibly DVD’s.

My cousins and I actually plan on tracking Santa Claus this year on the popular satellite tracking website Norad Santa. It’s loads of fun for the older ones that love the Christmas season, and perfect for the younger ones that still believe in the jolly-old man with the big red coat (he IS real).

Anyways, with Legend of Korra news slow once again, I thought it would be a good idea to launch another Community Opinion post. The last one was a great success and I wanted to thank all of you who commented and shared your opinion with us. The general idea for this particular Community Opinion post is the same: Use the comment section below to interact with other fans and talk about the discussion topic at hand. Don’t forget to state your opinion!

Now for the topic:

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