Amon’s Identity was Actually Confirmed in January

The season finale of The Legend of Korra aired this passed weekend and it certainly exceeded my expectations. We did not cover the final two episodes as much as we hoped, since I was out of state this past weekend with no computer access, but pre-episode coverage does not matter too much in my opinion. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many write-ups you read or trailers you watch: It’s the final product that matters. But that was the past, and right now we have a few things ahead of us. One of them being a real head smacker: Amon’s identity was actually revealed in January, and we knew about it.

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3 More Characters Named for ‘Legend of Korra’

Today we have some information on 3 new possible characters that could appear in Avatar: The Legend of Korra. According to IMBD (Internet Movie Data-Base), “Teenage Noatak”, “Earthbending Gangster”, and ” Waterbender Gangster AKA Viper”  are all characters that will make their debut in the first episode of ‘Legend of Korra‘.

No information on the background of these characters have been given, but you can certainly speculate a lot based on the fact that two of these characters are in gangs.

Earlier this week, an Older version of Katara was confirmed to be a character in at least one episode of the show. If you are interested in viewing all of the confirmed characters so far for in ‘Legend of Korra‘, you can visit IMBD’s list of confirmed characters.