The First Script of Book 3 of The Legend of Korra is Complete


Seychelle Gabriel, the voice actress of Asami, tried to be sneaky on Twitter a few days ago. Sometime within the last 48 hours, she tweeted that she was reading the first script of Book 3 of The Legend of Korra and that she’s loving Tenzin’s character.

The best part about this tweet, however, is that it’s been deleted. Unfortunately for Seychelle, the internet allows us to preserve data that has seemingly been deleted. I was able to obtain a screen shot of the tweet before it was deleted, thanks to my Twitter followers.

A screen shot of the full tweet can be seen below:

The tweet pretty much sums up everything that can be speculated: Book 3’s plot line is complete. Mike and Bryan know exactly what they’re doing and the only thing that remains is potential revisions.

The next step should involve hiring the voice actors and/or actresses so I’ll keep a close eye on things in the Twittersphere as I expect most of the news to come from there.

12 Responses

  1. I can’t wait to watch the whole series back-to-back in a few years.. Its gonna be epic

  2. can not wait to see book 2 personally I think it’ll be coming out in may or June! And maybe a sneak peak in April!

  3. WAHOO!! Here’s to book three and a trailer for book two! Things are looking up Korra fans!! Great post !!:)

  4. I wish they would get done with book 3 at april and release both books at the same time

  5. Well thats understandable sense Tenzin is the best character on the show! At least i feel that way. lol

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